FIMBA Great Britain Registration Form
We are now taking expressions of interest to join FIMBA GB for the next international tournament cycle, which will include the World Championships in Switzerland, 2025 and the European Championships in Greece, 2026. With 16 international medals to our name, we are looking at building on this to become a major force whilst ensuring we continue to embrace the culture, family and fun aspects of Masters Basketball.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
Mobile number *
Date of Birth *
What position are you looking for within FIMBA GB? *
Which age group are you applying for? (age groups are defined by the year you turn that age) *
Which team? *
What position do you typically play? *
PLAYERS - What is the highest level of basketball you have played?
COACHES - What is the highest level of basketball you have coached?
How did you hear about FIMBA GB? *
Why do you want to join FIMBA GB? *
Any other comments?
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