Youth Advocate Toolkit Sign-Up
Are you an 8th-12th grader interested in advocating for youth authors? Our Youth Advocate Toolkit will support you in completing an advocacy project over the course of a semester. You'll earn a certificate for your work on diversifying reading lists and bookshelves in your school or community so that they include youth authors.

Sign up here on this Google Form & check out the Youth Advocate Toolkit! You'll also see a link to the toolkit on the confirmation page. When a you sign up for this Google Form, a member of our team will be able to reach out to you and will be available to support you in completing your project this semester.

The Youth Advocate Toolkit is part of the Youth Authors Week campaign hosted by Novelly Publishing. Our hope is that everyone, youth and adults alike, will read at least one piece of youth writing during Youth Authors Week each year. The inaugural Youth Authors Week is happening from March 24-30, 2025. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
What grade are you in? *
Which city and state do you live in?
Which service leadership project are you most interested in? *
The Student Toolkit has 8 service leadership projects you can choose from. Pick as many options as you like.
How did you hear about Youth Authors Week, Novelly Publishing, and/or the Youth Advocate Toolkit? *
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