Singing Onstage Financial Aid Request Form
We are thrilled that your student would like to participate in Singing Onstage! As small business owners it is incredibly important to us that our classes are accessible to any student in the community. We ourselves benefited from reduced or free classes growing up, and we are happy to have limited scholarships available for Singing Onstage students.

Please complete this short form, and we will get back to you soon about available financial aid for our classes. 
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Email *
Parent or Guardian First Name *
Parent or Guardian Last Name *
Child's Full Name *
What class or camp would you like to participate in? *
Please indicate the amount of financial aid you are requesting.  *
Why are you interested in participating in a Singing Onstage class? (please have your child answer this question) *
Anything else that you would like for us to know?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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