Registration for the BASRAN WEBINAR on Wetlands and the Baltic Sea Environment, March-5th-2022, at 10.00-13.15 CET (at 11.00-14.15 EET)
Baltic Sea Action Network BASRAN aims to establish a strong Rotarian intervention to support the process of improving the state of the Baltic Sea. We aim to have activities comprehensive and coherent in all Baltic Sea countries to have better impact. For this we aim to connect all Rotarians round the Baltic Sea in all 9 coastal countries to a Joint Initiative to save the Baltic Sea. Our long-term goal is to have state of the Baltic Sea clearly improved in future.
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Present Home Country *
Rotary club (if rotarian)
Rotary District (if rotarian)
Another organization you may represent
Please give your email here. We will send you the webinar Zoom-link: *
Would you like to join BASRAN to Save the Baltic Sea by giving your e-mail with this formula? Do you agree that BASRAN may send you newsletters, information on upcoming events and information on the state of the Baltic Sea in the future? *
What would you or your Rotary club or your Rotary District like to do for the Baltic Sea?
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