2021 Wheels at Wood Car Show Registration
Benefit car show for the Archbishop Wood RoboVikings Robotics Team
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Show Details:
Saturday, September 25, 2021
9:00 am - 3:00 pm -- Registered cars may arrive as early as 8:00 am
Archbishop Wood High School, 655 York Road, Warminster, PA
Show features live music, hot & cold foods and drinks, Robotics demonstrations and crafts.
100% of proceeds will benefit the Archbishop Wood Fighting RoboVikings Robotics Team.
First Name *
Last Name *
E-mail Address: *
Street Address *
Example: 123 Your St.
Town *
State *
Zip Code *
Phone *
Example: 215-555-1212
Is the above number a cell phone? *
Car Make *
Example: Chevrolet
Car Model *
Example: Thunderbird
Car Year *
Condition *
Club Affiliation (if any)
Please mail a check, payable to "Archbishop Wood HS" to:

Archbishop Wood’s Wheels at Wood Car Show
c/o Marc Martin, Show Director
710 Lincoln Avenue
Willow Grove, PA  19090

Registrations postmarked before August 27: $20
Registrations postmarked after August 27: $25

Because the school and the robotics team are a non-profit, your donation is tax deductible!

Thank You!
CONFIRMATION: I have mailed my check to Register for the Show. *
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