SIAM Lake Bryan Opening Social
Where: Lake Bryan Recreational Area (8200 Sandy Point Rd)
When: Friday, September 29th, from 5:30-10:00pm (come and go as you please)
What: BBQ and outdoor activities
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What is your name?
Do you plan to attend? *
How many guests do you plan to bring? (Not to include yourself or other math grad students that will also fill out this form) *
If you plan on attending, will you be driving there? *
If driving, would you be willing to give a ride to someone in need? *
Will you need a ride? *
Are you willing to bring a side/dessert dish? If so, what dish will you bring? *
Do you have a cooler and/or a foldable table that you are willing to bring? 
Do you have any dietary restrictions?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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