Please Indicate any medical conditions of which we need to be aware; including allergies, rare blood type, asthma, seizures, wears glasses/contact lenses, etc.: *
Your answer
Name of persons authorized to pick up child: *
Your answer
In the event of a medical emergency where I can't be reached, I agree to give the leaders of First Baptist Church of Litchfield permission to consult an available physician, and the physician permission to treat my child as needed. I further agree to permit my child to be transported to a medical facility by ambulance or other commercial vehicle. This authority is granted only after a reasonable effort has been made to reach me by phone at the numbers I have provided. As the parent/guardian of the child listed above, I promise to hold First Baptist Church of its volunteers blameless for any liabilities that may incur in connection with the event. *
I give permission for my child to be transported by the First Baptist Church Vehicles *
May FBCL take/use photographs and videos of your child and post on our website or Facebook account *
First Baptist Church would like to have copies of your child's Progress Reports/Grade when received from the school. *
TTV Handbook I have read attached handbook and consent to the policies outlined in the Tending the Vine Handbook *