Celebrate with Pride: Organization Sign-Up
Thank you for your interest in having a booth at Franklin LGBTQ Alliance's second annual Celebrate with Pride!  This event is Sunday, June 25th, 2023 from 12-4pm at the Franklin, MA Town Common.

This form will share some additional details about the event as well as ensure that we have all the information for your organization that we need for the day.

We also encourage you to follow us on social media:

Facebook Page:      https://www.facebook.com/franklinLBGTQalliance
Facebook Event:     https://fb.me/e/217An0pGC
Instagram Page:     https://www.instagram.com/franklinlgbtqalliance/

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us at franklinlgbtqalliance@gmail.com.
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What is the name of your organization? *
Please provide all relevant contact names, emails and cell phone numbers to be used on the day of the event. *
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