SharkHack 2025 Registration Form 🦈
Dive into innovation at SharkHack 2025! πŸš€ Simmons University's annual hackathon, SharkHack, is back to foster an inclusive space for women and nonbinary students to explore coding, designing, and project development. This Spring, we invite undergraduates of all backgrounds and experience levels to a day filled with creativity, fun, food, and friendly competition.

SharkHack is more than a hackathon; it's a platform for impactful innovation. With various prize categories πŸ†, we encourage you to create projects that make a difference. Whether you're a seasoned coder or new to tech, SharkHack 2025 is your chance to learn, grow, and connect.

Register now to be part of a community celebrating diversity in tech. Let’s build something extraordinary together at SharkHack 2025!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address
Phone Number
Pronouns (If comfortable sharing)
Class Rank
Institution Name *
Major/Area of Study
Have you participated in a hackathon before?
What are your primary areas of interest? *
How would you describe your coding experience level?
What technologies are you proficient in?
This can be from C++, Python, TensorFlow, React to Canva, Adobe Cloud, etc. There are different roles in every team so all skills are valued! Creative meets tech in SharkHack 2024Β πŸ’š
Do you have any dietary restrictions or allergies? If yes, please specify:
Do you require any special accommodations?
Are you registering as part of a team?
If yes, what is your team name?
If no, would you like to be placed in a team?
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What skills or roles are you looking for in a team member? Would you like to be paired with someone with your same experience level?
What are you hoping to build or achieve during the hackathon? Anything you would like to see? :)
Do you agree to the hackathon's code of conduct and terms of participation?
Do you consent to being photographed or filmed during the event for promotional purposes?
Do you have any comments or questions for the organizers?
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