The George & Dorothy Walton Award Nomination Form
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Background & Instructions
George & Dorothy Walton were a couple of the American Revolution, whose relentless efforts and generous service left a lasting mark on the state of Georgia and, more locally, the CSRA-area. AP Wealth Management presents this award annually to a local couple who exemplify the legacy and values of George and Dorothy Walton.

The George & Dorothy Walton Award recognizes a married couple who has contributed outstanding service to our community, expressly:
Their lifestyle exemplifies selflessness, hospitality, courage and devotion to the nation, to community and the health of family in our culture.
They both have a strong public service record (together or as individuals).
Their lives and volunteering have a significant impact on people in our community.

The *winning couple is invited to choose a local *501(c)(3) organization to receive a substantial monetary donation given in their honor.

*Winners are chosen by the George and Dorothy Walton Award Committee and 501(c)(3) selections are subject to final approval of the committee.
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