Lemmings 2019 Winter ☃️
This is the application form for the Lemmings 2019 summer batch. If you are wondering whether you are in the right place: yes you are. Just fill out the form below and hopefully we'll see each other this summer to create amazing stuff.

Application deadline: January 14th 2019
Beginning of batch: Feb/March 2019
Location: Vienna, Europe
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Lemmings at "Hello, Robot" @ Museum of Applied Arts (h/t Timar)
Name *
preferably your real name
Email *
Stuff you enjoy doing
Check the boxes of things you enjoy & feel free to add more :)
How did you hear about Lemmings?
How would your friends describe you?
Is there a quote that transformed the way you think?
(e.g. "A ship in port is safe. But that’s not what ships were built for." — Grace Hopper)
What's your favourite list of things?
Can be your own list + items or refer to a list you like (e.g. a list on Wikipedia or somewhere else on the interwebs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_lists_of_lists)
Facebook Profile URL
Twitter Profile URL
LinkedIn Profile URL
Intentionally left blank.
(this area is intentionally left blank, you can fill the void if you want to …)
Is there someone you know who should totally apply as well?
(a name, email or fb / twitter / linkedin profile URL will help us to reach out)
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