Covington Middle School New Student Registration Form
To enroll a new student in this school, please fill out all of the information in this form as completely and accurately as possible. 

To enroll more than one student at this school, please fill out this form separately for each individual student. 

If you need to enroll a student in a different school, these are the links to each school's form:

If you prefer to fill out a paper version of this form, you can print off a copy of the paper form here, or visit the enrolling school in person to get a paper copy of the form. 
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Student's Last Name *
Student's First Name *
Student's Middle Name *
Student's Previous Name (if any)
(Last, First Middle)
Student Nickname
Student's Date of Birth *
Home Phone Number *
This is the address the primary phone number to use in the SchoolMessenger system.
Gender *
Grade Level *
Student's Home Street Address *
This is the address the student spends the most nights at during the week. (Ex. 1234 Pine Street, City, VA 12345) Do not use PO Box Numbers.
Home Address Location *
Mailing Address *
This is the address the primary mailing address for the student. PO Box Numbers are fine to use here. If it's the same as the home street address, just put "same as home address".
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This form was created inside of Alleghany Highlands Public Schools.

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