Feedback Survey: Belmont Forum Data Skills Curricula Development Workshop
Thank you for your contributions to the Belmont Forum Data Skills Curricula Development Workshop on 28 April in Vienna, Austria.
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Please provide feedback on the following statements (1 being strongly agree, 5 being strongly disagree).
1- Strongly agree
2 - Somewhat agree
3- No opinion
4 - Somewhat disagree
5- Strongly disagree
The workshop was well organized.
There was adequate time to address topics covered.
The lightning talk subjects were relevant to the discussion.
I encountered information or ideas relevant to my role or organization.
I plan to share workshop outcomes with my organization.
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Please share any particular insights you gained from participating in the workshop.
Please list any topics or ideas that you feel were not adequately covered during the workshop.
Please make any suggestions regarding data skills curricula development that you did not have time to make at the workshop.
Would you or your organization be interested in pursuing further collaboration with the Belmont Forum e-Infrastructures and Data Management project in the future?
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