FC Lady Cardinal Interest Information
Thanks for your interest in our soccer club.  Please let us know about your player and feel free to join us for any of our open practices and let us know if your player would like to guest in any upcoming soccer tournaments with our club.  We are looking to fill 6 roster spots for our 2019-2020.  

Our club is a not for profit 501c3 that is heavily sponsored by corporate donations.  Our yearly donations are $400.00. There could possibly be two teams (Black and Red team, 40 roster spots) if we have enough players at tryouts.  The Black Team will is currently a division one Plano Premier team looking to move into Lake Highlands this season.  

We understand as your players get older; they will be going in many different directions.  We believe they need other experiences to create well rounded players.  While we have requirements on practice, we understand that some will be missed to enjoy their lives as cheerleaders, volleyball players, basketball players, band, choir etc.  We are looking to build depth to insure we can remain competitive in every situation we seek out as a team.  We also believe soccer should be affordable for the players and families.  

-We are in need of backs, midfielders, maybe a forward and a wing

Calendar of events June/July
-Open practices Tuesdays and Thursdays 550 to 750 Melissa Sports Complex 4220 E Melissa Road, Melissa Tx
-Team camp June 17-20thth, 6:00-8:30 p.m. Melissa High School
-Tournaments May 24, 2019, June 7, 2019, July 19, 2019
-Team signing party June 22, 2019

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Your player name (first, last) *
What year was she born? *
Mom's name (first, last) *
Dad's name (first, last) *
Player mailing address (address, city, state, zip)
Best email address for family *
Best cell phone number for family *
Is it okay to contact you by phone to follow up on your form?  We will respect privacy and only call when requested. *
Would your player be interested in?
Players birthdate *
Player experience
What is your family looking for in a soccer club setting?  
What is your players primary position placement currently?
What is your players secondary position placement currently?
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