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Cats page 93
Read the text page 93 in the book and answer the questions.
اقرأ النص صفحة 93 واجب عن الأسئلة.
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1. Name two things cats like. Cats like...
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2. Cats cannot swim because...
animals don't swim
they don't like water
they are lazy
3a. Lions belong to the cat family.
3b. Copy the sentence that help you answer. انسخ الجملة التي تدل على الحل.
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4. Do all people believe that black cats bring bad luck?
Yes, they do.
No, they don't.
5. Cats are ... . Lions and tigers are … .
tame, wild
wild, tame
6a. All cats sleep in the morning and at night.
6b. Copy the sentence that help you answer. انسخ الجملة التي تدل على الإجابة.
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