Each year the National Hispanic Cultural Center works with schools and community organizations to host an exhibit of ofrendas (altars) in celebration of Día de los Muertos
Use this form to register your group or school, as participants in the NHCC Ofrenda (altar) exhibit.
Ofrendas will be placed in the Domenici Education Building and the Roy E. Disney Performing Arts Center and the performing arts building.
Deadline for submissions is Wednesday, October 9th, 2019 (you will be notified by email if your submission is approved)
Installation dates are Tuesday, October 15 - Saturday, October 19, 2019
The exhibit runs October 21 - November 8, 2019 (Take down Saturday November 9 - 15th)
Due to limited availability, the NHCC cannot accommodate all requests for tables. Please plan to provide your own tables, boxes or structure for your altar, and additional desired supplies. The NHCC reserves the right to review all submissions to ensure their alignment with the NHCC mission.
If you are unable to create an ofrenda, the NHCC has a community ofrenda that you are welcome to contribute items in remembrance of your loved ones. Keep in mind we are not responsible for any items that are lost or stolen. Please do not bring irreplaceable photographs or items. We encourage photo copies.
Questions? Please call or email Elena @
ElenaD.Baca@state.nm.us 505-383-4734