Quiz on Aging Populations
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1. Charles Goodhart, an economist at the London School of Economics, argues in his 2020 book, “The Great Demographic Reversal,” that the slowing growth of the global workforce will
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2. The WSJ article on how life will be for today's 30-year-olds 30 years from now extensively quotes Mike Hodin, chief executive of the Global Coalition on Aging. Which of these statements did he NOT say in the article?
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3. Another expert predicts that the "anti-aging industry" will reframe longevity as:
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4. With regard to "the home" and the phenomenon of a larger aging population, which of the following is a prediction listed in the article?
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5. Back to Mr. Hodin from Question 2. Did he say, "Venture capitalists will invest in the eldercare industry,
he says, using technology to boost efficiency and reduce costs."
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