"Cee Yourself Thriving: A Healthy Relationships Virtual Workshop" S24 RSVP

Thank you for your interest in attending the "Cee Yourself Thriving: A Healthy Relationships Virtual Workshop." Join the Women's and Gender Equity Center and ODU alumna, author of "I Will Survive" and an attempted intimate partner homicide survivor, Cerlisa Collins, for an evening where you'll learn about early warning signs, healthy relationship habits, and how to speak up and get support for you or someone you know.

Event Date: Tuesday, February 13th
Time: 6:00-7:30 PM EST
Location: Zoom (link will be provided 24 hours before the event)

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Last Name *
ODU E-mail *
E-mail (non-ODU students only)
Gender identity (please check all that apply) *
What is your classification? *
College/Department *
For any questions or accommodations please reach out to the S.A.F.E. Initiatives Graduate Assistant Karis Thomas at k4thomas@odu.edu or wgec@odu.edu
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