Fremd Choir Alumni Survey
Please fill out this quick survey and forward the link to other Fremd Choir Alum!  We are redecorating Room 17 with college/university pennants to show where Fremd Choir Alum continued to sing in any capacity (do not have to be music majors).  The next step is also adding a plaque with students' names as a legacy wall.  It's great to see people sharing their voices beyond Fremd and we want your school represented!  If you attend a private school and are able to buy a pennant on campus to drop off at Fremd, I can reimburse you.  I have not been able to find some pennants online.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Maiden Name
Fremd Graduation Year *
Email Address *
Personal one that you check
Did you sing at your college/university? *
Anywhere that you were involved- can be a school choir, student-run a cappella group, musical production, etc.
If yes, what college/university?
If yes, what group (s) did you sing with?
Did you major/minor in music? *
What was your major/minor? *
Any advice for current high school kids?  Why should  they continue to sing in high school and college?
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