CANCBIO 599 - Pre-Candidate Summary Report on Laboratory Thesis Progress (Submitted by the Faculty Advisor)
All faculty mentors need to submit this form for each of their pre-candidate students by the last day of classes each term. This should be a collaborative process between faculty mentors and their student(s). Please plan to discuss the form/your form responses with your student ahead of submitting the form. A copy of your responses will also be sent to your e-mail. Please forward the copy of your response to your student directly in addition to discussing the feedback. 
Email *
What is the mentor or faculty advisor's name? *
What is the student's name? (Please format the student's name as "Doe, Jane" or "Smith, John"). *
For which semester are you entering this Summary Report? *
What grade did the student earn in your CANCBIO 599 course?  *
Summary of Research Effort
Please indicate your student's success on the Likert scale below. 1 indicates the student has put little time or effort into the category, 3 would indicate that the student has put an adequate level of time or effort into the category, and 5 indicates that the student has put in extensive time or effort into that category.
Time put into actual laboratory work *
Reading relevant scientific research articles *
Intellectual interest in the project *
Student's capacity to grasp the appropriate concepts and follow the analytical transition between concept and experimental design (1= poor capacity, 3= average capacity, 5= good capacity) *
Please rank the student's own intellectual input into the experimental design. (1= Total passivity with all input from advisor. 5= Strong creative contribution by the student). *
Total passivity with all input from advisor
Strong creative contribution by the student
Please comment on the student's strengths and weaknesses in research. *
Are you satisfied with the student's progress? (Some comments to consider including: Is the student making progress? When do you anticipate that they will graduate? What could they do to get back on track?) *
What day did you discuss this Summary Report with your student? If you haven't met yet, but plan to meet soon, what day are you meeting? (Please input the date in the following format: 2023.01.17 for January 17, 2023). *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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