Support Ukraine: Refugee related queries- ask or offer help.
Thank you for your support and willingness to help Ukrainians in time of need. And for considering Support Ukraine Coordination Centre, associated with the Ukrainian Club in London, as a facilitating platform.
We are infinitely grateful for your support.
Please fill out this form, indicating what you can offer or what you are looking for and will contact you.
Support Ukraine Coordination Centre is an association of the organisations, and we reserve the right to share your data with our dedicated partners.
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Date call / email received *
So we can track recency and prioritise urgency
Your name (first name and surname) *
Your phone number *
Your email
What is your location (city/ town/ postcode etc) *
So we can direct them to the correct organisation/ branch
Have you been in touch with any of our volunteers already?/ Have you been in touch with us before?
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Name of a volunteer/ organisation you have been in touch with
Caller / sender category *
Organisation name (state 'individual' if you are a person) *
Interest category / subcategory *
If you are a refugee: have you arrived with a family?
Clear selection
If you are a refugee: do you have any support at the moment?
Clear selection
Until when your offer is available? If we cannot contact your immediately we would like to understand if your offer/ query has an expiration date?
Other information
(please enter anything of relevance which may help deal with the query quickly and effectively)
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