Call for Poster and Demo Contributions - Michigan AI Symposium
We invite you to participate in the symposium with a poster and/or a demo describing your work in AI. Poster and demo submissions are encouraged from both academic and industry participants, covering (among others) research contributions, work in progress, position statements, applications of AI. Previously published work can be submitted and presented.

Poster and demo presenters should also register for the symposium before Oct. 5 at:
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Email *
Poster Title *
Authors and Affiliation *
(Please use the format Name (Affiliation). Separate multiple authors by comma, e.g., Name1 (Affiliation1), Name2(Affiliation2), ... )
Abstract *
Please include a brief 100-200 words abstract.
Research area for your demo/poster *
Is this work previously published?
If yes, please include here where it was published. Otherwise leave blank.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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