Assisted Rehome
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Email *
Full Name *
Contact Number *
Full Address *
Animals Name, Breed and Age? *
Weight Approx? *
Socialization (Tick all applicable) *
Please tick all that apply *
Where does the dog live? *
Where does it sleep at night? *
How often is the dog fed? *
What food does the dog normally eat? *
1. Has this dog lived with another dog? 2. Does it need to be rehomed with another dog? *
Describe the home that would best suit your dog? *
Reason for rehoming this dog: *
Are any desexing, vaccination, registration certificates available to be sent? *
Can you email 3 good photos of each dog? ( *
Has your dog undergone any behavioural training? If so with whom? *
Does you dog have any medical condition that we should know about? *
Do you understand that, by law, you will have to sign your dog(s) over into the rescue's name? *
As a assisted rehoming you are aware that the dog stays with you until rehomed? *
The adoption fee is payable to Diamond in the Ruff Rescue. Do you agree? *
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