It's time for KR '04 Friendly Feud!
Please take a few minutes to answer these questions for our reunion.
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Name the best song of the early 2000's
Name a popular fashion trend from our high school days
Name a teacher everyone liked
Name the KR staff member you were most afraid of
What was the best senior prank pulled during our time in high school?
Name a famous movie that came out during our high school years
What was the most common excuse for skipping class?
What's a slang word or phrase everyone used back then?
Name a celebrity crush that many people had during high school
What was the most popular video game among students?
Name a High School class that has surprisingly stuck with you all these years later?
Name the best spot for underage drinking
Name the worst middle school in Kent
What was the cafeteria food everyone avoided?
What's one word you associate with Kentridge?
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