Reading journals: Form entries (Anderson, 2013, p. 40)
The purpose of this form is to collect content from draft reading journal entries. There are 10 items: five for your student IDs, and five for reports and reflections on your readings. In the form, please identify yourselves as necessary. Then enter the _dates that you composed_ your draft journal entries (Anderson, 2013, p. 40), plus the titles of what you'd read in Title Case (with only the first letters of key words capitalized). If the title of what you've read is Japanese, please _romanize_ it, and provide an interpretation in square brackets, for example: "Akai Yubi [Red Finger]" (_without_ quotation marks). Paste in other parts of your draft journal entry (impressions and recommendations) _after_ checking grammar and spelling in a word-processing program. Include _no_ line returns; use only alphanumeric characters and English punctuation marks.
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Student ID
Please identify yourself, as necessary, by course, section, student number, and names.
1. Courses *
Which course are you taking?
2. Sections *
To which section (§) do you belong?
3. Shortened ID Numbers *
Please type in only the last _six_ (6) digits of your student number.
4. Given Names *
Please type in your given name; capitalize _only_ the first letter.
5. Shortened Family Names *
Please type in _only_ the first three (3) letters of your family name; capitalize _only_ the first letter, and punctuate the abbreviated entry with a period.
Reading Journal Entries
To complete the rest of this form, please type in dates, titles, and authors' names, then copy and paste in grammar- and spell-checked texts from a word-processing program to reflect your take-aways (impressions) and recommendations.
6. Dates *
Please use this format for the day that you _started_ your draft journal entry: Month date, year – for example: June 15, 2012.
7. Author's Names (or Authors' Names) *
Separate capitalized family and given names with commas followed by single spaces; use semi-colons and single spaces between multiple authors, as shown here: Familyname1, Givenname1; Familyname2, Givenname2; & Familyname3, Givenanme3
8. Titles of the Books or Stories *
Use title case; capitalize only the first letters of the first word and then _only_ content words, not articles or prepositions, for example: Day in the Life of an Enigma.
9. Take-aways *
What did you learn, or what ideas or impressions did you get from what you read?
10. Recommendations
Do you recommend the same reading to your classmates and peers? Why or why not?
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