Code of Conduct Evidence Based EFT®
Evidence Based EFT® (EBEFT) is a private company
that aims to provide the highest quality EFT training and information based on
validated research while promoting best practices for trauma awareness and high
ethical and safety standards through premium accreditation of the practitioners
we train and recommend on our website.
As a pillar in the EFT community, we
hold ourselves, our trainers, our mentors and our accredited practitioners to
high standards of excellence and integrity in our lives and within EBEFT™. Given
our commitment to exemplifying the delivery of an inclusive, trustworthy, and
evidence-based healing modality, we agree to the following:
1. We make it clear that
we are providing premium training and that Premium Accreditation* status is
further conferred upon those recommended by their mentors and trainers and
therefore not automatically guaranteed by Evidence Based EFT.
a duty of care to the general public, EBEFT reserves the right to withhold
accreditation status in the unlikely event that an individual’s mentors
assess the trainee to have demonstrated behaviour that is either directly
intolerant, judgemental, or abusive towards any client or that leads them to
believe there is a risk of this happening.
Practitioners hold themselves to high standards by keeping agreements,
operating with honour and integrity in business dealings, and being a model of
what it is to live as a professional committed to client safety and healing.
2. Accredited Practitioners agree to be become aware of and be mindful of the laws and regulations in their place of practice with regards to the use of words like "healing" and "therapy" and "cure" and to refrain from using language reserved for licensed health practitioners if they are not themselves licensed. It is the position of Evidence Based EFT that Clinical EFT is the therapeutic use of a stress reduction technique and not a "therapy" as such.
3. Accredited
Practitioners might choose to engage in relationships with each other that
involve financial transactions or investments. Accredited Practitioners who
choose to engage with each other in this way understand that EBEFT as a private
company does not promote, endorse or warrant the quality of these transactions
and therefore, Accredited Practitioners who choose to engage with each other
where there may be a financial impact, choose to be solely responsible for the
4. It is the agreement
of all EBEFT Accredited Practitioners that they give permission for the contact
information they provide to the EBEFT online directory to be publicly visible.
They further acknowledge that the contact information of other Accredited
Practitoners not be used for mass-mailing purposes or for group solicitations.
5. Accredited
Practitioners agree to maintain strict confidentiality with regards to their clients’
experiences and revelations in any and all forms, from private conversations to
published articles, unless given express permission in writing prior.
6. Accredited
Practitioners agree to be mindful of social media posts. Members endeavour to
avoid public posts that
· are in opposition to
scientifically validated information
· defame, abuse or model hate
speech in any way
· defame or abuse EBEFT, its
trainers, mentors and administrators
7. Accredited Practitioners agree
to uphold the values taught in the ethics training within Premium
Accreditation, with respect to their conduct both within their client practitioner
relationships and relationships with other practitioners, mentors and trainers.
8. Accredited Practitioners agree to maintain practitioners insurance.
9. Accredited Practitioners agree to complete the required 6 hours of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and to provide evidence of this on an annual basis to continue using the Premium Accreditation badge, being listed on the EBEFT site and calling themselves a Premium Accredited EBEFT Practitioner in any and all forms.