Registration - Next Stage Capacity-Building Workshops 2024
Dear participants,

We are glad to have you as part of our Next Stage Capacity-Building workshops, that FEDORA is organising as a part of the Creative Europe Platform Project for our 30 Platform Members, including your organisation.
These workshops are designed to allow participants to gain awareness on the challenges surrounding sustainability, inclusivity and digital transformation, also drawing on your own experiences; building your toolbox by examining case studies of successful inclusivity initiatives, as well as exploring immediate opportunities to make your organisation an even more sustainable, inclusive and digitally transformative space.
  • 16 & 24 April (10:00 to 13:00 CET): Digital transformation in action - three inspirational case studies in collaboration with the IMZ - International Music + Media Centre
  • 14 May & 22 May (10:00 to 13:00 CET): Sustainability workshops on the foundations and environmental management systems & best practices in the cultural sector in collaboration with Aktionsnetzwerk Nachhaltigkeit - Thema1
  • 30 May & 13 June (10:00 to 13:00 CET): Inclusion & Leadership - Enabling those working in the performing arts industry to thrive in collaboration with BPI Learn - Business Performance Institute
The workshops are open to any professionals who are starting their careers in the performing arts, emerging artists, from our Platform Members, with an interest in sustainability, inclusivity, and digital transformation.

Please register below and feel free to contact me if you have any questions:

Best wishes,

Diandra de Lima
Funding Programmes Manager
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Name, last name: *
Phone number *
Email *
Name of your organisation *
Job title / role: *
Country: *
What is your gender ? *
What are your preferred pronouns ? *
What is your age ? *
Do you identify as having a disability? *
If 'yes', are there any adjustments we can make to help you fully participate in the workshop?
16 & 24 April (10:00 to 13:00 CET): Digital transformation in action - three inspirational case studies in collaboration with the IMZ - International Music + Media Centre (*the participant has to attend both sessions, as they are complementary)
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14 & 22 May (10:00 to 13:00 CET): Sustainability workshops on the foundations and environmental management systems & best practices in the cultural sector in collaboration with Aktionsnetzwerk Nachhaltigkeit - Thema1 (*the participant has to attend both sessions, as they are complementary)
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30 May & 13 June (10:00 to 13:00 CET): Inclusion & Leadership - Enabling those working in the performing arts industry to thrive in collaboration with BPI Learn - Business Performance Institute (*the participant has to attend both sessions, as they are complementary)
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Please feel free to add any comments below.
I would like to receive more information from the organisation with which the workshop is led, and allow you to share my email address with the IMZ, Aktionsnetzwerk Nachhaltigkeit - Thema1 or BPI Learn - Business Performance Institute, respectively. *
I would like to receive newsletters from FEDORA. *
Thank you!
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