Apply for a Leadership Position with the Miami-Dade Dems
On December 6, the Miami-Dade Democratic Party conducted its reorganizational meeting and elected new officers. In addition to these elected officers, we need dedicated Democrats to fill important leadership roles in our DEC. The roles are described at the bottom of this form and can also be found in our bylaws which can be found here:

A panel composed of our elected officers will review the applicants and make recommendations.
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Name? *
Email? *
Phone Number? *
What leadership position are you interested in? *
If there is a role not listed above that you think should exist, please describe it below:
Please briefly describe your qualifications for this position. *
Anything else you would like to share?
You can share feedback on what you think the priorities of our party should be, or other considerations we should make
Committee descriptions
2.1.1  The Chair shall appoint a Parliamentarian, a General Counsel, and a Sergeant-at-Arms.  These officers serve at the pleasure of the Chair, and enjoy all privileges and responsibilities of Appointed At-Large Membership, and need not otherwise be Elected Members.

2.1.2  The Chair shall appoint and has the authority to remove all committee chairs and members.

Section 5.  Committees: The following shall be the standing committees of the County Executive Committee:

5.1  A Finance Committee consisting of the Chair, First Vice Chair, and Treasurer as ex-officio members, and not less than three other persons shall be appointed by the Chair.  The Finance Committee shall advise the Chair in the raising of funds, and in other official matters as requested by the Chair from time to time.

5.2  A Credentials Committee consisting at least one person from each Caucus and Club chartered in Miami-Dade and any other persons shall be appointed by the Chair. The Credentials Committee shall make recommendations concerning the legality of all members present at meetings, shall investigate the qualifications of all members serving on the County Executive Committee, and shall determine that all applicants for appointment to the County Executive Committee are registered Democrats qualified by law to serve and who have knowledge of their responsibilities as committee members.

5.3  A Rules and Bylaws Committee consisting of not less than five (5) persons shall be appointed by the Chair. The Rules and Bylaws Committee shall suggest and review amendments to the Bylaws of the County Executive Committee, suggest and review motions concerning the operating procedure of the County Executive Committee, review and monitor State and National Democratic Party rules and other procedures to ascertain compliance therewith by the County Executive Committee and, when requested by the Chair of the County Executive Committee, draft and propose special rules and procedures which may be required for the various activities of the County Executive Committee.

5.4  An Affirmative Action Committee shall be appointed by the Chair.  The Affirmative Action Committee shall work in conjunction with the Florida Democratic Party Affirmative Action Committee to further the goals and policies of the Democratic Party.

5.5  A Voter Registration Committee consisting of at least one member from each Caucus and Club chartered in Miami-Dade and any other persons shall be appointed by the Chair. The Voter Registration Committee shall coordinate a community drive on a continual basis with the objective of encouraging all qualified persons to register to vote as Democrats.

5.6  An Issues Committee consisting of at least one member from each Caucus and Club chartered in Miami-Dade and any other persons shall be appointed by the Chair.  The Issues Committee shall make recommendations to the Democratic Executive Committee regarding action on local, state, and national issues.

5.7  A Campaign Committee consisting of the Chair, First Vice Chair, Treasurer, State Committeewoman, State Committeeman, and any other persons shall be appointed by the Chair. The Campaign Committee shall organize, coordinate, supervise, and direct all political election efforts undertaken by the County Executive Committee.

5.8  A Legislative Liaison Committee consisting of not less than three (3) persons shall be appointed by the Chair. The Legislative Liaison Committee shall coordinate all activities between members and Democratic elected officials in Miami-Dade County and shall develop procedures to monitor member compliance with such activities.

5.9  The Interclub Council shall consist of the Presidents of every duly chartered Democratic Club within Miami-Dade County.  The Chair shall appoint the Chair of the Interclub Council. The Interclub Council shall review, recommend, and coordinate all activities between the Democratic Clubs and the County Executive Committee and shall develop procedures to monitor Democratic Club compliance with state and local Democratic Party Bylaws and regulations.

5.9.1  Each January, the Interclub Council Chair will certify whether a club has met the requirements to have a voting seat on the Steering Committee according to Article II Section 5.9.2.

5.9.2  In order for a Club to have a voting seat on the Steering Committee, the Club must be chartered in Miami-Dade for at least two (2) years and have at least twenty (20) dues-paying members to their respective Club.

5.10  A Young Democrats Committee shall be appointed by the Chair.  The Young Democrats Committee shall work in conjunction with the Florida Young Democrats and the Miami-Dade Young Democrats to further the goal of youth involvement in the Democratic Party.

5.11  A Labor Committee consisting of representatives of organized labor shall be appointed by the Chair.

5.12  A Communications Committee shall be appointed by the Chair.  The Chair shall appoint the Chair of the Communications Committee. The Communications Committee shall publicize regularly the activities of the Democratic Party in press releases, local newspapers, on radio and television, both broadcast and cable, social networking, and publish a website, blog, and any other publications of general interest.

5.13  Composition of Standing Committees. Not less than seventy-five percent (75%) of the members appointed by the Chair to a standing committee, with the exception of the Finance and Voter Registration Committee, shall be selected from the Membership of the County Executive Committee.  The remaining members of the standing committees may be selected from the Associate Membership and from outside the membership of the County Executive Committee as long as the individual(s) appointed shall be a registered Democrat residing within Miami-Dade County.

5.14  Other Committees.  The following shall be other committees of the County Executive Committee:

5.14.1  A Budget Committee consisting of the Chair and First Vice Chair as ex-officio members and the Treasurer as committee chair, and not less than three (3) other members, a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum shall be appointed by the Chair.  It shall advise the Chair in the creation and expenditures of a budget and other official matters as requested by the Chair from time to time.

5.14.2  Ad Hoc Committees and Caucuses.  The Chair shall have the power and authority to create and appoint special ad hoc committees, commissions, or caucuses to perform such functions as shall be designated by the Chair.  The Chair shall be an ex-officio member of all such committees, commissions, and caucuses.

Training Committee shall be focused on conducting trainings for the DEC. This should include training of precinct committee members, candidates, and electoral activities such as canvassing and voter registration. The committee should be responsible for creating training materials and modules.
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