FNMC Performance Submission
Please use this form to submit performances of FNMC commissioned and contest works.

For contest works, please remember that you are required to contact composers and purchase all honorable mention and finalists scores and to purchase winning scores after the one year performance window ends. Many composers also like to publicize your performances of their works!

Please submit a PDF of the program after your performance to the composer(s), many composers like to maintain performances for their records and appreciate verification to ensure ASCAP is properly compensating them.
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Email *
Contact for submission (name and preferred email address) *
Title of FNMC work(s) to be performed *
Concert or Event Title (For example: Faculty Recital or National Flute Association Convention recital "The Flute is Now") *
Performer names (as you would like them to appear on the website), instrument (when the work is for more than one player) *
Location (Venue and City) For example: All-Faiths Chapel; Kansas State University; Manhattan, KS or Community Arts Center Williamsport, PA *
Time (if unknown at this time please indicate TBA) *
Date *
For flute festival proposals please indicate the performers for each work below. We maintain records of performances of each work for the composers.
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