Job Board for RefugeeOne (Chicagoland)
Welcome to our free listing of job opportunities!  The information you enter here will be automatically loaded into an internal spreadsheet that the RefugeeOne employment team will access to match job seekers with open positions in Chicagoland.  We do not share this information with the general pubic; however, we would like to share this information with staff at sister organizations.  If you do NOT want your information shared across  agencies, you can opt out at the end of the form.  If you DO want your listing amplified, please ensure that all questions are answered completely for each open role. This survey should take 5 minutes or less to complete.

If you would like to connect directly with our employment team to learn more about our organization and program, please contact Peyton Ruble at Thank you.
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What is the name of your company? *
Who is in charge of hiring? *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
What is the best way for us to contact you? *
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