Call for Wiki Loves Earth 2021 Jury
Join Wiki Loves Earth photo contest as a jury member and get unique experience of selecting winners of the biggest photo contest devoted to nature heritage!

There are 2 opportunities to join: as an international jury member to choose our top best photos of the main nomination and as a jury to help with the screening of the special nomination "Human rights and environment".

Please, fill out the form below, and the international team will contact you. The form will take approximately 5-10 minutes to fill out.

Note: the evaluation will happen in November starting this week and end at the beginning of December. It's important that you shouldn't come from the country that takes part in the contest this year (the list:
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Email *
Your full name *
Your Wikimedia nickname
If you have one
Your country *
If your country of origin & country of residence are different, please tell us both
Do you have any Wikimedia background? If so, please describe it briefly *
It's OK if you don't have any, just write "No"
Do you have any experience in nature photography, environment or ecology? *
It's OK if you don't have any, just write "No"
Which evaluation would you like to join? *
Important: if you are from a country which participates in WLE 2021, you are not eligible for the international jury, unfortunately. See
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