Castlehaven Community Association New Project Survey
After such a difficult year and with so many challenges still ahead we feel everyone needs a boost. That’s why we at the Castlehaven Community Association have started planning and raising funds for a new project we hope will help all ages and those who feel lonely or isolated, start really living again.

Please help us by completing this survey and telling us about the biggest challenges you have faced and what you think are most useful things our project could offer you. Unless you want to get more involved, we do not need your name just an idea about your age and background. All answers will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Once you have completed our survey you are eligible to enter our Free Prize Draw, where the winner will receive a £50 shopping voucher of their choice. (One entry per person aged 18yrs+ UK residents only, please email us for prize draw terms & conditions). See below for more details.  

Our survey will only take between 5-10 mins to complete. We will only accept responses from UK residents. Thank you for your time.
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Are you an existing Castlehaven Community Association Member?
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2. If YES, which service/s do you use, please tick boxes applicable to you. *
3. We already have a few ideas about our new project. Please tell us which ones would interest you & whether you would like to join online from home or at Castlehaven (when we can open our doors again). Tick both if you want.  (Please answer 3.1 to 3.21 below)
3.1 Activities that bring different age groups together to share experiences, stories & skills *
3.2 Activities that bring together people of different races to share experiences, stories and skills *
3.3 Help with buying & learning to use  equipment for  joining in our activities online from home   *
3.4 Activities that help you keep fit and take the daily exercise you need *
3.5 Joining a food co-op where people come together to buy good food cheaply in bulk and share it out *
3.6 Learning about gardening and nature & even how to grow your own food at CCA or at home *
3.7 Learning new recipes and how to cook healthy meals on a small budget *
3.8 Opportunities to meet other people and chat about things *
3.9 Learning how to set up and stick to a weekly budget and sharing money saving tips *
3.10 Holding out a friendly hand to those feeling lonely or friendless *
3.11 Remembering how life used to be and sharing those memories with others *
3.12 Having a trusted handyperson to help you with small jobs at home *
3.13 Help with having a health MOT to make sure that nothing is being missed *
3.14 Regular contact from or with our staff to check up on you & keep you informed about activities *
3.15 Musical activities to share eg community choir, dancing and playing instruments *
3.16 Help with relaxing, dealing with stress and how to remember better *
3.17 Getting together to campaign on issues that affect you & to get your voices heard *
3.19 Now please tell us your ideas for issues you think  we should be campaigning about
3.20 Tell us your ideas about new groups you would be interested in joining e.g. self-help, social or small ads
3. 21 Tell us your ideas about new activities other than those already offered or suggested
4. 1.  Are you interested in helping us deliver the new project ? *
4.2 If you do want to help, which of these would interest you ? *
4.3. In your former or current working life, do you have any professional skills that you could offer us e.g. admin, catering, legal, mechanical etc (please list)
YOUR PROFILE  Please fill in to help us analyse the results of this survey fairly. (Please answer 5.1 - 5.6 below). These questions are optional.
5.1 Gender
5.2 Sexuality
5.3 Age Group
5.4 Home Language
5.5 Disability - Do you have a disability?
5.6 Ethnicity
If you want to be either kept informed about our new project or want us to be able to follow up your ideas and offers directly with you or if you just want  to be placed in our prize draw to win a £50 Shopping Voucher of your choice please share your contact details below. We will not share your personal data with any third parties and we will follow our Data Protection policy. Please email us on to request a copy of our Data Protections policy. Please enter your full name, address, telephone number & email address below.                                                                                                                                        
Full Name:
*UK Addresses Only
Post Code:
*UK Post Codes Only
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Thank you for completing our survey. We will inform the winner of our Prize draw in the month of September 2021. Only one entry per person. Please contact us for Prize Draw T&Cs on 
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