Organization Sign-On!
This form is for organizations that are looking to sign on to the petition calling on Joe Biden and Congress to act in reversing the "domestic terrorism" enhancement in Jessica Reznicek's case and take other action to protect the broader movement from this dangerous legal precedent.
Organization Name *
Representative's Name & Pronouns *
Email Address *
Phone number *
How can your org support the fight against Joe Biden's DOJ labeling Climate Justice Activists & Water Protectors terrorist?
feel free to say yes or no to as much capacity as your organization has, no worries if you can only commit to one thing for now below.
Add my Organizations name to the Action Network petition to Joe Biden and Congress! *
My org can send out an email blast to our list with this petition attached and why we support it!
I can be contacted for future request that the Free Jessica Reznicek support team may need down the road.
My organization is interested in working on recruiting other orgs, influencers, celebrities, activists, politicians  etc for a sign on letter campaign.
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My organization is interested in working with an attorney to write an amicus brief to the court in support of Jessica's appeal!
Anything we missed that in terms of Organizational support that yours can offer?
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