2024 Mother & Son Bash
The PCHS Treasures Dance Team would like to welcome you to join us for our Annual Moher Son Bash. This is taking place on Friday, December 13th from 6:00-8:00pm and is located at Platte City Middle School. We cannot wait for an evening of music, pictures, games, activities and more! If you'd like to dress in costume for our theme "HOLIDAY HEROES" - we'd love to see all the super hero costumes!

Once form is completed, additional information will come from Coach Pablo within 72 hours. Questions? We are happy to help - email questions to jarnagin.marissa@pcr3schools.org.
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Mother/Guardian First Name *
Mother/Guardian Last Name *
Mother/Guardian Email *
Participant First Name (son) *
Participant Last Name (son) *
Grade Level (son) *
I would like to pay cash/check BEFORE event and turn money into front office at: *
Please turn in cash/checks into elementary office by Friday, December 6th if paying before. Pre-paid rate is $30. Please make checks out to Platte County Dance Team.
I would like to reserve my spot, but pay cash/check at the door of the event.

(can skip question if you are pre-paying)
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Is there a food allergy we should be aware of? If so, please specify in "other." *
Will you be bringing more than one son? If so, it’s only $10 for each additional child. So if you attend with two sons It will be $30 (prepay) + $10 = $40. Please fill out the form for each participant. :)
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We will have games, activities, music, and more! Any recommendations on what your child likes to play?!
Questions? Please include them below if you have any!
Don't hesitate to reach out to Coach Pablo at jarnagin.marissa@pcr3schools.org if you have additional questions. Once this form is completed, you will reserve your spot for the Mother & Son Bash. After filling out form, you will receive additional information on the event within 72 hours.
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