Flare's Feedback Form for Classes
This form is an avenue for Flare members to provide feedback to the administrative team on our classes and choreographers so that we can continually improve our offerings and teaching as a club.

All responses will go to our Artistic Director, who will then pass the relevant feedback (without the identity of the member submitting the form being disclosed) onto the relevant parties.
- Feedback on our classes and general feedback on the club will be forwarded to the Committee.
- Feedback on our choreographers will be forwarded to the respective choreographer.

Please note that we require you to submit your name and email address to ensure that the feedback provided is from our members and to prevent misuse of the form such as trolling, personal attacks and cyber bullying. Your identity will not be used for any other purposes and it will not be disclosed to anyone other than the Artistic Director. We welcome your honest feedback, good or bad, so please do not be discouraged to do so.

**Note that you do not have to answer all of the questions**

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Full Name (First & Last) *
Email Address *
What prior dance experience do you have?
Please describe your recent involvement with Flare.
**Please be as specific as possible - if you would like to discuss a particular class please specify Genre, Choreographer & Date**
What did you think of the Flare class(es) that you have recently attended?
Do you have any suggestions to improve Flare classes in the future?
How would you describe the choreographer's teaching style?
** Our Flare choreographers are learning just like you! Our goal is to always be improving our classes and our teaching and so they appreciate any feedback you are willing to provide on their class (good or bad!). Just remember to keep feedback constructive and please avoid any personal attacks or trolling**
Please leave any other additional comments that you may have.
e.g - will you be attending more Flare classes in the future? :)
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