Shiloh Point After School Classes - Session 3 - Jan./Feb./Mar. 2025 Registration Form
You must pay for all After School Classes you plan to register for on BEFORE you register here! Thank you! If you have any questions please email Mrs. Jerabek at

**If an After School Class is not listed it is full.

**If your child would like to participate in two After School Classes  please fill out this form TWICE. After you submit the form it will ask if you want to submit another response please click yes.

**Please do a separate form for EACH child you wish to sign up.

*****Registration is complete when payment has been received using AND this registration form is completed. *****
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Email *
Student FIRST name: *
Student LAST name: *
PARENT email: *
Grade - Teacher's Name *
Which After School Class is your child signing up for? The price below includes the price of each After School Class ($75) AND any additional supply fees, if applicable. *If you are signing your child up for two After School Classes  please fill out this registration form TWICE. After you submit the form it will ask if you want to submit another response please click YES. * *Please check grade levels next to the After School Class to see if your student is applicable. *
How will your child be going home from After School Classes?
My Child's Car Rider Number (If going to Shark Time,  TYPE: Shark Time)
***You MUST have a LIGHT PINK Car Rider Number from Shiloh Point to be a Car Rider from After School Classes. If you do NOT have a Car Rider Number please come up to school during school hours and someone will give you one! 
If your child is attending an After School Class that involves food, please let us know if they have any allergies. 
Please go to and pay for the After School Class you selected. Enter the confirmation number here. Your child's registration is not complete until BOTH the registration form and the payment is complete. 
Do you have a SUGGESTION of an After School Class you would like to see here at Shiloh? Please tell us an interest or passion your student has and we MAY be able to host that type of After School Class next session! We thank you for your help and support! 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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