BTU HJC Interest Form 2023-24
Want to advocate for a more affordable Boston? Want to ensure that BPS provides adequate support to families experiencing housing insecurity? Join the BTU Housing Justice Committee! The Housing Justice Committee advocates for improved BPS support for students and families experiencing homelessness, and for city and statewide policies that combat displacement and create more affordable housing for all.

The BTU HJC meets every other Monday at 5:30pm, usually on Zoom.
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Are you a community ally or member of another union interested in talking with us?
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First BTU HJC Meeting: Monday, September 18th, 5:00pm
Name *
Non-BPS Email
Phone Number
School and Role
HJC meetings are every other Monday at 5:30pm, usually on Zoom. Can you make this meeting time?
If you can't make the HJC meetings, are there other ways you want to be involved?
Would you be interested in some HJC meetings being in-person instead of on Zoom?
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What makes you care about housing justice?
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