How Much Did You Spend On Your Summer Vacation?
Refinery29 wants to hear from you about your summer vacation budget. If your response is used, we will credit you by first name, age, and location only.

Prior to submitting your responses, please read and consider Refinery29's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy (or, for UK residents, Terms of Use and Privacy Policy).
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Name *
Email *
Age *
Location *
Pronouns *
Where did you go on vacation and for how long? How much did everything cost in total? Flights, accommodations, food, drinks, souvenirs, etc. Give us a cost breakdown with as much detail as possible. *
How did you make the decision to travel where you did? Do you have any spending regrets from your trip? *
Who did you go on vacation with? Did you split costs of anything? *
How do you save up for a vacation? Give us all your tips  + tricks! *
What was the most expensive part of your trip? What about least expensive? *
What's a non-negotiable expense for you when you travel? *
What do you wish you had saved on during your trip? *
How are you going to save up for your next trip? *
By completing this form, I agree to abide and be bound by the applicable Terms of Use and Privacy Policy linked above. I further agree that Refinery29 may use the responses I have given to process, review, and analyze the results of my submission and to contact me about my submission.
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