Enrollment Form - Top Foresight Sdn Bhd
Please register the following names for the Executive Education Series (Complimentary session)👇🏻

📌Topic: Dispelling the Myth: Is OKR Better Than KPI?
📌Date: 26th May 2023 (Friday)
📌Time: 03:30 pm - 05:00 pm

Good news!

1 person will win a LUCKY DRAW and get a book gift at the end of the session.

Information to be inserted in the registration section to qualify for the lucky draw, the following information is required*
Full name
Company name
Contact number

Website: http://www.topforesight.com
Email: info@topforesight.com
Contact number:  03-64113144
Do follow our: 👇🏻
Facebook: facebook.com/topforesight 
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/topforesight/
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Name : *
Email address : *
Telephone : *
Company name : *
* If not relevant, please put 'A'
Do you have a Telegram account? *
Please welcome to join our Telegram Group as part of the benefits we provide to the community is that we will be having online free monthly sharing sessions for learning and development. We will update all the free programs that we provide every month in the Telegram group ➜ https://t.me/PerformanceLearningCommunity
If yes, please share your Telegram's username or contact number?
So, we can add you to the group.
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