Clarksville Resource Center Satisfaction Survey
Hi Readers!

Welcome to our Satisfaction Survey.

In order for us to ensure excellence in service, we hope you will fill out this survey and let us know how we did.

Completion of this survey is not mandatory, but it is greatly appreciated.
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How would you rate our center?
needs improvement
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In reference to the previous question, please elaborate below on your rating.
What changes would you like to see on-site for the next academic year?
Did the materials in the library sufficiently meet your needs?
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If you answered no in the above question, what changes would you like to see?
Were you able to attend one or more of our events?
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If you were able to attend one or more events, how would you rate your experience?
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In reference to the previous question, please elaborate below on your rating.
What future events do you wish to see in the next academic year?
Was our library team helpful and friendly?
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Were you able to utilize our Looking Library? If so, how would you rate our Looking Library?
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In reference to the question above, what curriculum do you wish to see in our Looking Library for the next academic year?
Let us know how we did!
In the space below, please let us know how your overall experience with us was! We want to know how we can improve for the next academic year.
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