TEXTILE MCQ 37 ( Identifying various Weaving loom-1)
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1.What is non automatic loom ? *
2 points
2.What is the basic purpose of the loom ?
2 points
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3.What is the another name of non automatic loom also called ? *
2 points
4.What manufactures on non automatic loom ? *
2 points
5.What is meaning of non automatic ? *
2 points
6.Which of them is a part of loom ? *
2 points
7.What is automatic power loom ? *
2 points
8.Which method is use to manufacture fabric on automatic power loom ? *
2 points
9.What is the function of shuttle ? *
2 points
10.What is meaning of automatic ? *
2 points
11.Which  variety of fabric manufactures on loom ? *
2 points
12.What is the shape of automatic power loom ? *
2 points
13.What is the function of weft feeler mechanism ? *
2 points
14.What is the full form of PPM ? *
2 points
15.How many types of weft feeler are there ? *
2 points
16.What is the function of sley on loom ? *
2 points
17.What is feeler gauge used for ? *
2 points
18.`What is the function of weft feeler mechanism ? *
2 points
19.What is shuttle ? *
2 points
20.What is RPM of a shuttle loom ? *
2 points
21.What is disadvantage of shuttle picking mechanism ? *
2 points
22.What is shuttle use for ? *
2 points
23.What material is used for making the shuttle ? *
2 points
24.Where is flying shuttle used ? *
2 points
25.What is shaft ? *
2 points
26.Which is primary motion of a loom ? *
2 points
27.What is beating in auxiliary motion ? *
2 points
28.What is weft patterning ? *
2 points
29.What is the number of ways for weft patterning ? *
2 points
30.What is patterning word used for ? *
2 points
31.What is continuous weft patterning ? *
2 points
32.What is Discontinuous weft patterning ? *
2 points
33.What is mean by patterning ? *
2 points
34.which is  Thermodynamically stable defects ? *
2 points
35.which  defect in a fabric because of faulty weaving, warp ends being set too far apart for the thickness . *
2 points
36. which fault caused When a slub or extra piece of yarn is woven into the fabric, it is often removed by a "burling tool." This will usually leave an open place in the fabric. *
2 points
37.What is name of the part of loom? *
2 points
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38.what is the part of loom? *
2 points
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39.what is the part of loom? *
2 points
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40.what is the part of loom? *
2 points
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41.what is the part of loom? *
2 points
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42.what is the type of loom? *
2 points
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43.What is the type of mechanism? *
2 points
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44.What is the type of mechanism? *
2 points
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45.Which material used for shuttle *
2 points
46.Which type of shuttle has high Resistance to splintering *
2 points
47.Which is a symbol of conventioal weaving *
2 points
48.Which part of loom  called as pulse of weaving shed *
2 points
49.How many numbers of fabric defects are there for weaving ? *
2 points
50.What is horizontals lines on fabric ? *
2 points
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