Para Weightlifting Community Survey
The Canadian Masters Weightlifting Federation would like to hear from you!  We have developed the following survey to better understand the needs of para olympic-style weightlifting in Canada. This process will provide stakeholders and the community the chance to encourage the future trajectory of para weightlifting (olympic-style weightlifting for adaptive athletes).

Note: Olympic-style weightlifting focuses on performing two ballistic lifts overhead known as the snatch and clean and jerk.  This should not be confused with powerlifting which focuses on completing three controlled heavy lifts known as the squat, bench press and deadlift.  

This survey should take approximately 5 minutes to complete.

Your participation in this survey is voluntary. Your responses are anonymous, and any data collected with this survey will be kept confidential.  

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1. Please select which option best describes you: *
What province do you reside in? *
What is your age group: *
How many years have you been participating in para-sport?
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What sports are you classified as a para-athlete (if applicable):
Would you be interested in para weightlifting? *
Do you train as, or consider yourself to be a para weightlifter? *
If you are currently training as a para weightlifter, would you be interested in competing? *
If you answered yes to the question above, what types of competitions would you be interested in participating in?
Please select the areas which significantly contribute to your success as a para athlete (if applicable):
What is the biggest challenge you face as a para athlete / coach / technical official?
What would para weightlifting ideally look like for you over the next 3-5 years?
Any additional comments?
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