Wonderfully Fit Nutrition Assessment
This form is intended to help find any areas in your current nutrition habits that need adjustment to help you get better results. Please fill each meal out to the best of your ability, including the time you eat each meal, and what types of proteins, carbohydrates, vegetables, fluids (water, coffee, tea, soda, alcoholic beverages) and other (fats, dressings, seasonings) you eat on a daily basis. If possible, share the quantities you usually consume of each macronutrient at each meal. If you eat fewer than 6 meals, just mark N/A in each section that does not apply to your current daily meal lineup.
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Email *
Name *
Age *
Height *
What is your current weight (in lbs)? *
What is your goal or ideal body weight (in lbs)? *
What time do you typically wake up each day?
What is your typical bed time?
Are you currently taking a multivitamin? If yes, what kind? *
How many ounces of water are you drinking per day? *
How many Calories do you average per day? *
Have you tracked meals before (past/present) and if so what tracking app did you use? *
Are you currently on a physician or dietician prescribed meal plan? *
Do you have any food allergies or foods that you avoid for other reasons? Please list.
Do you ever skip meals during the day? If so, why? *
Do you struggle with cravings, even though you may have eaten fairly recently? *
If you exercise regularly, around what time do you get your training session in?
What, if anything, do you eat/drink after your workout? (ie. protein shake-if so list type, whole food meal, nothing)
What is your profession?
What is your current activity level? *
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