DUB Athletics Registration Form
This is your first step into our sports community. It collects vital athlete details and your preferences as a parent. It also includes key agreements to ensure safety and transparency. Plus, it's an opportunity to opt-in for our welcoming posts. Thank you for your time to ensure a great training experience!
Athletes Full Name *
Age  *
Favorite Sport  *
 Parent/Guardians Full Name *
Contact Email  *
Contact Phone Number  *
Preferred Training Package *
Waiver of Liability: 
Do you acknowledge that participation in DUB Athletics training program involves risk of injury and do you release DUB Athletics, its employees, and representatives from any and all liabilities, costs, damages and expenses due to injuries or damages of any kind arising from your child’s participation in the program?
Code of Conduct:
Do you and your child agree to adhere to the DUB Athletics code of conduct, which includes principles such as respect for others, sportsmanlike behavior, and compliance with training rules? 
Data Protection:
Do you understand that the information provided in this form will be used solely for the purpose of providing and managing your child’s participation in our program and will not be shared with any third party without your consent, in accordance with our data protection policy?
Data Protection:
Do you understand that the information provided in this form will be used solely for the purpose of providing and managing your child’s participation in our program and will not be shared with any third party without your consent, in accordance with our data protection policy?
Photography/Videography Consent:
Do you give consent for your child to be photographed or video recorded during the training sessions? The obtained materials may be used by DUB Athletics for promotional or educational purposes.
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Welcoming Message Consent:
If you’re comfortable, we would like to welcome your athlete to our community on our social media (Facebook). Can we share your child’s first name, age, and favorite sport?
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How did you hear about DUB Athletics? (Optional)
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