Build Positive Connections -  Registration Form

Support Young People to Thrive at School & at Home.

For families with 8 years old or older children, living in the Borough of Barnet.

Sign up to a series of FREE group workshops helping you to connect with your children & young people.

UPDATE: this project is coming to an end, but you can still sign up to attend one or more of the extended workshop. If you have not registered before, please complete and submit the form, and someone will get in touch with you to discuss availability and workshop content. 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Where did you hear about us? *
Extended Workshop - Thursday's  *
Have you attended any of the " Build Positive Connections" workshop before? 
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First Name *
Surname *
Telephone *
Email *
Full Postcode *
Ethnicity *
If you have answer "Other" to the above question, please clarify.
Child/Children age
Please list what is your child or children age
Have you received or are you receiving support from Home-Start Barnet? *

What is your biggest concern about your child/children's mental well-being?

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