Contact information
The Austin Youth Collective strives to create opportunities for youth voice to shine. We work to incorporate youth voice in all stages of development of the Homeless Response System. The collective provides feedback and guidance in the structures of the new programs, involved in the hiring process for new employees at Ending Community homelessness Office, and have been present at various conferences on the importance of incorporating youth voice and lived experience.

As we move into the new year, the AYC is working to expand our outreach and impact.
Our team is comprised of youth with lived experience who want to show that having experienced homelessness isn’t the whole of their stories, in fact, it’s barely the prologue. We offer 4 - 6 hours a week at $25/hr with opportunities for more hours with upcoming projects. Technology can be provided for anyone without access and flexible hours for those who have school and work during regular working hours.

We're excited to chat with you! Sincerely - Austin Youth Collective
Name (First & Last) *
Pronouns *
Email *
Age *
Address (If you are currently houseless put n/a)
Phone number
Please give a brief description of your lived experience of homelessness *
What are your current work, school, or volunteer commitments? *
I am able to commit to 6 hours of work per week *
Please leave any questions you may have down below
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