Dublin's Golden Cup 2018 - Pick Up Registration!
Hey folks!

Over the last few editions of DGC lots of players from all across the world picked up with club teams and/or with the pick up team. They had a really good time and left with loads of new friends. We would love to give players the chance to do that again this year despite there not being room for a full pick up team. This form will populate a list that we will share on the website so teams/captains can contact pick up players directly should they need to.

Looking forward to hearing from you all!
DGC 2018 Crew
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Come play with us in Dublin!
Name *
Full Name please
City you live in *
Email Address *
How many years have you been playing? *
Roughly speaking!
Current/Past Club/Uni/National Teams *
Playing Experience *
This area is really tricky. Just give us a rough guideline please! :)
Current likelihood of you coming to Dublin for the tournament... *
A fun fact about yourself... *
Anything to tell us or to ask us?
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