RSVP for Rockwall ISD Job Fair
Thank you for your interest in attending the Rockwall ISD Job Fair on Saturday, March 1, 2025. This RSVP form will allow us to best prepare and accommodate the needs of our attendees!

The job fair will be hosted at the Rockwall-Heath High School Ninth Grade CampusThe campus is located at 2727 South John King Blvd. next to the Dr. Gene Burton College and Career Academy.

We look forward to meeting you!
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Email *
Last Name *
First Name *
Phone Number (xxx-xxx-xxxx) *
Would you be okay with Rockwall ISD Human Resources texting you to provide updates leading up to the job fair and sending other relevant information about the school district? *
Which best describes the employment opportunity you are seeking with Rockwall ISD? Select all that apply. *
Have you already submitted an application through Skyward? *
If seeking a teaching position, do you have a TX teacher certification?
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How did you hear about the job fair? *
If you selected other, please let us know how you heard about the job fair.
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