Geotechnical Engineering 1
Topics :-
> Soil Formation
> Properties of soils
> Identification and classification of Soil
> Soil Structure and clay Minerals
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If a soil having D₆₀ = 0.42 mm, D₃₀= 0.21 mm and D₁₀ = 0.16 mm, the uniformly coefficient and coefficient of curvature respectively are [MahaTrans: 2018]
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For a saturated soil, given w = 40% and Gₛ = 2.71, the dry unit weight of soil is [MahaTrans: 2018]
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A soil has specific gravity of 2.5, water content of 10%, voids ratio of0.25, then degree of saturation is [WRD: 2016]
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If size gradation curve matches with the specified size gradation curve, the soil is [WRD: 2016]
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If size gradation curve of the soil lies above the specified size gradation curve, the soil is [WRD: 2016]
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If size gradation curve of the soil lies below the specified size gradation curve, the soil is [WRD: 2016]
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Which of the following type of soil is impermeable? [WRD: 2016]
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Mass of soil removed from core cutter having internal volume of 1 litre is 220 gm, then bulk density of that soil will be [WRD: 2016]
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Loess is a silt deposit by wind. These deposits have [NP: 2018]
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If the degree of shrinkage Sr (%) of soil mass is > 15%, then the quality of soil is [NP: 2018]
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