Elmwood Stock Farm Application
Thank you for your interest in working at Elmwood Stock Farm! Please fill out these questions to the best of your ability. If you have some of the information in resume format, you are welcome to make note of that below and email your resume to elmwoodeats@gmail.com.

We will be in touch if we are interested in learning more.
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Your name *
Which position are you applying for? *
Your email address *
Your telephone number *
Your full address *
Will you be able to reliably commute or relocate to Georgetown, KY? *
If you are acquainted with anyone who is or was once employed by Elmwood Stock Farm, please list them.
How did you hear about Elmwood Stock Farm’s employment opportunities? *
What type of work are you interested in or willing to do with Elmwood Stock Farm? *
If there is any work you will not perform, please say so here.
Your Availability
Are you interested in full-time or part-time work? *
Are you interested in year-round or seasonal work? *
What date are you available to start? If looking for seasonal work, what date range are you available? *
What days of the week are you available to work? *
Your Background
Please either email a resume elmwoodeats@gmail.com, or tell us the name of your high school and college, business, trade or professional school you attended or are attending. How many years did you complete at each? What degree did you receive or are you working toward? *
If you have ever been convicted of a crime, please explain here.
Do you have a drivers license? *
Have you had any moving violations in the past three years? *
Have you had an accidents in the past three years? *
Your Employment History
Please either attach a resume or tell us about your employment history. For your three most recent employers, including your current employer, please list: *name and address of company; *name and telephone number of supervisor; *your start and end date of employment; *your starting and ending wages; *the reason for leaving this job; * the job duties held, duties performed, skills used or learned; *and advancements or promotions received in this job. *
May we contact any of your past employers? Please list which. *
Please list two references other than relatives and previous employers. Include their names, telephone numbers and relationship to you. *
In place of a cover letter, please detail your interest in working with us and the specific skills and experiences you bring to the table. *
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